Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Today was the day when everything became official! We were supposed to meet the bus at 8:00. We started getting ready in plenty of time, but somewhere along the way we got sidetracked. It's hard for me to figure out where the time went, but the next thing I knew we were grabbing coats and the diaper bag and flying out the door so that we could get some breakfast before boarding the bus. I suppose that the "getting me AND Kaitlyn ready" thing is going to take some time. My fear is that makeup will be the first thing to go and in an extreme event I could let my hair go. It's amazing how quickly vanity flies out the window when all you can think about is getting your child some congee.

Our travel companions Cory, Julie, and their new daughter AnnaLei are next door to us. They were also running late so we made the mad dash to breakfast together. Our girls are pigs! We've decided that they will eat anything we put in front of them for as long as we put it in front of them. Just when I think Kaitlyn couldn't possible eat more she smacks her lips and smiles as if to say "keep shoveling it in mom!".

The first stop of the morning was the Jiangxi office of adoption affairs. We had a family photo made and had an adoption interview. The entire process lasted about 5 minutes per couple. After all the couples had their interviews we were presented with adoption certificates. These certificates make the process official. When we left that building Kaitlyn was ours!!!! The entire process seemed to not phase her much. She was just happy that she had some quality time with her Cheerios cup. She usually grabs a handful at once, but if she's lucky one makes it to her mouth. She usually winds up shoving that one in with the back of her hand.

The next stop was the "notary". The process for each family lasted about three minutes. We went into a room where the gentleman asked us for our names, ages and date of marriage. He asked us to confirm that we were adopting Kaitlyn of our own accord (like somebody was forcing us?) and then made us swear that we would never abandon her. I found the last part pretty darned ironic, but I won't get into that here. :) We then handed over $500, signed our names and returned to the waiting area. I'm still a bit in awe of the price paid for notary services. I'm a notary in Michigan and I always do everything for free. I'm thinking I'll either have to change my policies or move to China to pursue the notary profession.

Several of the families were desperate for some American food so Shiyan, Bethany's guide, placed a Pizza Hut order for any interested families. I LOVE Chinese food, but the appeal of having something delivered to our door upon our return to the hotel was too much to pass up.

Once back at the hotel, Kaitlyn finally took a bottle and we both took a nap. I woke up just as the Pizza arrived (good timing huh?). It was either the best pizza I've ever eaten or I was starved. I learned that two spoonfulls of fried rice and a glass of apple juice don't last very long, especially not for seven hours. We pretty much slept and ate all afternoon. Larry went to the store and brought back Gerber peaches and pears and apple juice. Kaitlyn ate an entire jar of peaches.

Later this afternoon she had her first bath. She loved it and loved playing with the toys. She was less than amused when my hand slipped and she tipped backwards. She didn't go under the water and her head didn't hit the tub, but it did give her a mighty scare and after that she was finished. I hope the trauma will be short lived.

Tonight we had dinner in the hotel restaurant and Kaitlyn ate mashed potatoes, congee, fried rice and watermelon. The thought of all that makes me gag, but she liked it and I can't argue with that. We came back to the room, she took a bottle and she's out for the count

Tomorrow we are going to hang out here in the hotel and I'm going to go with some other families to visit FengCheng. We won't be able to visit the orphanage but Shiyan did arrange to have someone show us around the city. I plan on taking plenty of pictures so that someday I can show Kaitlyn her hometown.

This hotel is full of babies. Several groups from the US and the world are here this week to receive their little girls. I feel sorry for the assorted few business men who are also here. When you walk down the hallways you can hear babies laughing and crying. It sounds like a nursery.

Kaitlyn cried tonight during the bathtub incident, but that's the only time she's cried since we received her yesterday. This little girl is a bundle of energy and smiles. This morning when she woke up, she looked at me and flashed her 8-toothed smile. Oh my gosh! It melts my heart every time. She's not strong enough to walk yet, but she loves to bounce. I've nicknamed her Tigger. She also likes to babble...REALLY loud. People know when we're coming becaue they can hear her trademark "ACK!". That's pretty much the only sound she makes, but she has certainly perfected it. Whether we're in the room or a restaurant I can't help but laugh. I think that that this stubborn, smiley, out-spoken little angel is a lot like me and that this must be the fullfillment of the curse that my mother put on me when I was in high school. It went something like this "I hope one day you have a daughter who gives back to you everything you've given to me...and worse". Thanks mom! Oh well, we can already see that she's going to be a pill, but that's alright. It'll be fun...won't it???? :)


Anonymous said...

Hey I know the last 2 months I preached patiences to you and told you not to worry and try to rush things. Since I have seen the pictures....forget patiences.. Come Home Can's wait to hold Katilyn...and see you all too!!You have a Happy Thanksgiving and take the next flight out. Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Nikki, Larry and Kaitlyn:
Happy Thanksgiving to the Branch "family." What a joyous day for all of you. Have a safe trip home.
Lots of love and hugz....

Anonymous said...

Larry, Nikki and Kaitlyn...Congratulations on your new family, these updates and photos are great!!! Hope you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving (even though you are celebrating abroad) I hope you have a very safe trip home. Can't wait to meet you, sweet Kaitlyn!


Anonymous said...

She's so cute!!! By the time you get home she is going to be flash bulb blinded.... I know everyone is anxious for you all to get back so they can see Kaitlyn in person. Be safe and be careful getting back home with that "bundle of joy"!
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